Nathan and oscar were looking for where they came from. They did there DNA test one of the guys know where their mum is from and where his dad is from . His mum is from the east side of asia and america and is not English and his dad is from maui.Now they know where his parents are from and where he is from to nathan is from the same places where his parents a from like america and maui which is maori.
Oscar knows where he is from and where his ancestor is from and where his family was from but his ancestor were at rarotonga then they went million years ago.
Oscars grew up in samoa but when he was three his dad died and that his parents came from south eurasia and east eurasia and when he went to samoa he went to church with his family,but now he lives in new zealand then came back with his friend.
When they went to vanuatu and they found a 3 thousand year old lapita pottery that his ancestor held and they eat banana leaves and when they went there his people sang some songs they went to a archaeological dig to go and try to find some things.
And that’s where the cemetery was and they found skeleton berriord under there and oscar was shock he said should I be here.Nathan and Oscar then went to taiwan and met a lady called niwa that is a high school teacher in taiwan.
Then she took them in the car and they went to the museum of history and saw photos of their family and there ancestors.
Then they went in the car and they went to this father's day party and ate and the taiwan people were doing a dance for them.
Then they went to a place and talk to this man then oscar and nate tried rat and drank vodka and then they took some photos with other people then they went back home.