
Thursday, 1 November 2018

Pizza Cutter

Pizza Cutter

Image result for pizza cutterOur Class 9RMz made Pizza Cutters and Cake Servers I made a Pizza Cutters i did not finished it i just need to polish it a bit more and put it together.It was cool making it i thought i was going to finish but i didn't and yea.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Primary Teacher On Strike

The teachers don't want to teach because they get paid a small amount of money.The teachers go and stand and hold up signs and say pay us more then what you pay us we want more.
Image result for teacher going on strike

Friday, 21 September 2018

Political Party

My group is called GLIF and in my group is George,Lia,Inez and me and for our slogan
we a talking about care about the people.Our team a doing different work to care about the people like Education and Housing and Heath policy and also Sports recreation and here is Our presentation about all of it GLIF

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Government Decisions

They concern about the previous familiarity.They want to be friends together.I think that NZ and AUS have a good relationship between the border.It is good that they are good two     

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Roles Of Parliament

 Parliament makes laws and holds the Government to account for its policies, actions, and spending.The functions of Parliament include: forming a Government Executive from among its members as well.If I was in the Parliament i will help people in need like help some school build new classrooms and help the homeless that need homes and food and money and family's who are in need and maybe some of my family members.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

The Government Decisions

The Government Decisions about the plastic bags

Simon bridges and Jacinda Arden
Simon bridges say take plastic away he said they are making lot of pollution and lot of rubbish he does not like that around that in New Zealand. The oceans will get polluted and the sea animal will eat for dinner.They will have no more plastic bag anymore because people throw it around the public places.They do not want anymore because it is making the waters and the road ugly and the animals like birds and in the oceans the sea animal a eating them.
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Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Scotland Inquiry

Today me and my Partner George we Presented my inquiry On Scotland when I Presented I was a little shy but i still read at the front and hears is a slide of it Scotland InquiryImage result for scotland flag

Friday, 29 June 2018

Paragraph about Tokelau To New Zealand

Today I was writing about my Migration Model
The arrows is about the Migration.Because people keep moving from
Tokelau to New Zealand and Tokelau is a place of Origin and New zealand
Is a place of Destination.To New zealand is the main stream flow and to tokelau
Is the Counterstream and when you think of tokelau,tokelau has coconut trees and
If you think about New Zealand they think about Kiwis.
The negative thing about tokelau is that the sea is getting to high up and going inside the homes and busting down the homes of the tokelauans and they want to go to
New Zealand.But in New Zealand they can live in a hotel or can rent house and they can live their and how tokelau has hardly no shops around in tokelau but in New Zealand they have shops around the homes.
The negative thing about New Zealand that you can’t live over their for your whole life
Because in New Zealand you can’t over stayer because you are not a citizen of
New Zealand because you didn’t live their       


Friday, 22 June 2018


Tamaki College was alright some of it was very hard but i did my best to try and get my grades up it was cool and it was a really weird experience feeling because i haven't been true this and it was cool.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Tokelau 20 Years Time

Tokelau will be different in 20 years time.  They will have a College and make the schools bigger and they will have heaps of new shops where they buy their food. They might have a shopping centre there and they can have heaps of new boats like jet skis and high speed boats and they can go to Samoa to visit family. 

They can build like a higher sea wall so the water doesn't go over into the houses near the beach and a big wharf where the people can fish for some fish. Tokelau can have a rugby field at the school and a new public parks. They might have a big hotel like the Langham in Auckland city.       

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Current Events(Climate Refugees)

Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. Fossil fuels a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the past from the remains of living organisms.Sea levels are the level of the sea's surface, used in reckoning the height of geographical features such as hills and as a barometric standard. Climate refugees or environmental migrants are people who are forced to leave their home region due to sudden or long-term changes to their local environment. These are changes which compromise their well-being or secure livelihood.Migrate are people who are people told to leaves their houses region due to sudden or long-term changes to their local environment.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Tokelau migration - Francis

Image result for tokelau
I was on the boat travailing back home to my family and friends to  Tokelau. I came back from my studies from New Zealand. It was cool living there for 3 years. I miss living with my family that lives in New Zealand - I like eating food there. I came back to Tokelau and I thought to myself to make a change to Tokelau, to make the economy expand i.e. get bigger. Now I am back from New Zealand I am going to stay here for 2 years, then go back to New Zealand for my second year to do my study and graduate, then get a job. I want to be a builder and get money for my family and help the people of Tokelau. I want to get food and build new homes for them and do other things for my family and friends. 

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Today I learnt about two new Social Studies concepts,Migration and Education

The first one i picked was Migration Seasonal Movement of Animals from one region to another and country to another country by this i mean there is a few different migration one is called external migration which is moving out or away from there movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions.

The Second one i chose was Education 

The Tokelau kids who go school and learn , they build the school in 1960 for the kids to get good at all their subject in one class a girl is nearly the top of the class she can get a scholarship to go  

Tuesday, 1 May 2018


What does Anzac mean to you ? It means that the soldiers that fought for us in the war for New Zealand and they died for us  the field has poppy to remember like the blood of them all of them frighted for us because they want to save our country.Lest We Forget

Why is it important to commemorate? So that we can respect the people that saved New Zealand and fought for us and died for us. Lest We Forget

ANZAC Day? The word Anzac stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.

Facts:They Started the war In 1915 and then ended in 1918 they landed in gallipoli the men were waiting for them to start the war and that is when they died for us 
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Friday, 13 April 2018

White Sunday

I chose White Sunday because i'm Samoan and we do White Sunday.We celebrate White Sunday by going to church and dance and after when church is finished we go buy some food and go eat it at school.We had to do a presentation about White Sunday my question was WHITE SUNDAY

Thursday, 12 April 2018


On Tuesday 9th of April for Tamaki College camp we went to Camp Adair it was a really cool experience for me.

 I haven't been there before it was so cool we got to do rock climbing and other cool activities and then we rotate after every half an hour we do another cool activities my challenge was the high beam i was scared to fall off the ladder  and the high big log was so high

My highlights was the confident cores it was cool and muddy it was my first time i did that at a camp site in the future i want to go when i am year 13 it will be cool we should of stayed there the whole week.
Image result for camp adair

Friday, 23 March 2018


We learned about Safety rules about the science lab And what a tectonic plates that every year it moves 2 inches a year and we learned about layer of the earth like the crust,mantle,outer core and inner core and about earthQuakes around the earth and volcanoes like active and sleep volcanoes and bunsen burner you have to put it in it the gas tap and put it in the bunsen burner and that is what i learned about. 
3d model bunsen burnerHow can rocks predict earthquakes? | HowStuffWorksSurface Changes from Inside the Earth | Social Studies ...
Volcano Pictures - Kids Search


In maths We learned about Finding fraction of a number to find a fraction of a number we divide the number by the top number 3/8 of 32 And we learned about Percentages as a fraction and Finding a percentages of a number if we find a percentages of a number of a number ,we must convert it either  to a fraction or a decimals THE END.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Made In Taiwan

Nathan and oscar were looking for where they came from. They did there DNA test one of the guys know where their mum is from and where his dad is from . His mum is from the east side of asia and america and is not English and his dad is from maui.Now they know where his parents are from and where he is from to nathan is from the same places where his parents a from like america and maui which is maori.

Oscar knows where he is from and where his ancestor is from and where his family was from but his ancestor were at rarotonga then they went million years ago.

Oscars grew up in samoa but when he was three his dad died and that his parents came from south eurasia and east eurasia and when he went to samoa he went to church with his family,but now he lives in new zealand then came back with his friend.

When they went to vanuatu and they found a 3 thousand year old lapita pottery that his ancestor held and they eat banana leaves and when they went there his people sang some songs they went to a archaeological dig to go and try to find some things.

And that’s where the cemetery was and they found skeleton berriord under there and oscar was shock he said should I be here.Nathan and Oscar then went to taiwan and met a lady called  niwa that is a high school teacher in taiwan.

Then she took them in the car and they went to the museum of history and saw photos of their family and there ancestors.
Then they went in the car and they went to this father's day party and ate and the taiwan people were doing a dance for them.

Then they went to a place and talk to this man then oscar and nate tried rat and drank vodka and then they took some photos with other people then they went back home.